
To be, or not to be?

Before we can apply the Professional Communication skills we learnt in ES2007S, we have to secure a job first. The job search process is the bridge connecting our ES2007S course and the actual practice of professional communication.
Increasing number of companies has employed the SHL tests to test the applicant’s numerical analysis and verbal communication skills. In addition, there are also personality tests to test whether the applicant’s personality fits the company’s culture. Although, these tests have made the job application process even more complicated and troublesome, it helps the company to sieve out the perfect candidate for the job.
Regarding the personality tests, it raises a question: “Should we answer the questions according to our real thought or should we answer it according to the company’s requirement?”
If we answer it according to our real thought, there is a risk that our personality does not match the company’s requirement and we will fail the personality test and lose the job.
To get short listed, we can answer the test in a manner to suit the company’s interest. The repercussion behind this is that after we join the company we may suffer conflicts between our own personality and the working culture.
The same question applies to the interview process, should we just be ourselves or should we pretend to be someone else in order to get the job?

8 条评论:

  1. Hi Feng Lu

    I think the skills that we learn in ES2007 come hand in hand with securing a job, for instance the resume writing and interview skills that we’re going to learn in class.

    Personality tests have both pros and cons, it may not be that accurate and it takes skills for an interviewer to analyse the answers.

    I feel we should follow our own values and believes during an interview process. We can’t pretend all the times, even if we pretend the interviewers might see through it. There would definitely be conflict between our own personality and the company values. Thus, that’s when compromises come into place, when one should give in or leave.

  2. Hieyo Feng Lu,

    I think it would be better for you to be yourself during the interview. An interview is meant for the company to sieve out candidates that suit them and for the candidate to sieve out company that suit him/her.

    If you bluff your way into the company, do you think you will be happy when you don't fit in the company?

  3. Hi Feng Lu,

    I guess when it comes to employment, it will be good that you possess passion for the job. However, due to several reasons, people might not be able to take up jobs that they have passion in.

    Therefore, I feel that if you have the luxury of time, why not look around the opportunities available? But if u are left with no choice and have to take up the job that may not suit u, I guess it is wise for you to adapt to the environment instead of your environment to change for you which is highly impossible.

    Ji Fang

  4. Hi Feng Lu,

    Just try to do the personality tests as honestly as you can unless you could read between the lines. Most personality tests used by companies are not really scientifically correct. They are often used as a hidden discriminatory agent (against race, religion or family size). Real psychological personality tests have a variable that corresponds to honesty. If the company is using such tests, you do not want to be deemed untruthful, do you?

  5. Hi Feng Lu:
    I think i will do the personality test according to what i feel. I think it is quite difficult to lie in the personality tests. A fantastic answersheet may get you through the 1st interview, but your real personality will eventually be exposed after a series of interview.
    You can actually find out your own personality by doing the personality tests offered by Nus Career Service centre and see what kind of jobs suit you before applying for them. That way,you will more likely be able to align your personality to the job requirements.
    Perhaps you can arrange a time with your friends to go down to the Career centre and take a look.

  6. Hi Feng Lu,

    I agree with Swee Guan, if I were you, I would do the personality according to what I think, not to try to orchestrate the final outcome. Form my personal experiences with the various personality tests I have to go through, most tests have in-built checks to make sure you are answering to your own personality. Aside from the time limit (i.e. you might not be able to finish those tests in time if you try to manipulate, given you have to think throuh your answers), if the company does find out that you are trying to manipulate the outcome, perhaps it might not be a good reflector of your character. Furthermore, perhaps you might also enjoy a job better if it fits your personality.

    Nonetheless, jia you for your job search! Being a year 4er myself, I can understand how you feel!


  7. Hi Feng Lu,

    I think all of us are of like minds on this question: answer naturally if getting that specific job is not of critical necessity.

    I particularly like Bernard's comment about these tests being used as proxies for discrimination against factors such as race, age, religion, and family size. There are discussions going on right now about the worth of the SAT and the IQ test. In the US, the weight of the SAT seems to get lower each year. (While it used to be a competitive tool, now it is most often used only as a qualifier: meaning that if the necessary score is 1400, a 1550 has the same benefit as a 1410). Some have called the IQ test quantified racism; a way of saying, "I'm not saying you aren't smart - its the IQ test."


  8. Hey Feng Lu,

    Even though it's easy to say "I will just be myself and be truthful". But in actual grounds, will you do that? I believe a large number of people do try to read between the lines and gave answers to suit the companies given the competition one face in finding a job.

    When i was in secondary school, i remember we had to do civics and moral exams and it was graded! So now, will you answer truthfully if the grade is reflected in your transcript?

    I believe most of us do not answer truthfully or lie totally. There is no such thing as perfect candidate. Instead, most people would give a mixture of real and ideal answers.


